Weddings & Banns
A wedding is one of life’s great moments. Marriage is intended by God to be a creative relationship, as husband and wife learn to love and support one another in good times and in bad, throughout their lives, and to share in the care and upbringing of children. For Christians, marriage marks a public witness to the love that two people have for each other: it is both solemn and joyful. Bride and bridegroom face each other, make their promises and receive God’s blessing. A Church wedding, therefore, is particularly special. It provides a wonderful place for families and friends, and indeed for the local community itself, to gather in celebration and support of a couple.
If you would like to get married at St Mary’s, we would be delighted to help you sort through the practicalities and prepare for the great event. If you wish, we can arrange for the choir to sing and for someone to arrange flowers in church to make sure that it is a lovely occasion for you. We call marriage a ‘sacrament’ – a holy event, because it reflects the wonder of God’s love which will never desert us. But a wedding is also a legal ceremony, and for all prospective couples there are legal requirements which have to be satisfied. Again, we would be delighted to help you with these.
As with every Parish Church in England, in order to be married at St Mary’s, one of you will need to live within our parish boundaries (please see our map). Alternatively, one of you needs to demonstrate a prior connection with St Mary’s or be on our current Electoral Roll. This has nothing to do with the civil electoral roll which entitles you to vote in parliamentary elections, but is simply a way of recording church membership. To be on the roll, you have to be baptised and to have worshipped at St Mary’s on a regular basis for not less than six months.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Parish Office or one of the clergy if you would like to explore options or just talk things through. We would be glad to offer you our help and support not only now, but in the years ahead.
Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is not boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful. It does not rejoice over wrong-doing, but delights in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13.4-7
Marriage Service (Parochial Fee) £544
Publication of Banns £37
Certificate of Banns, if required £19
Register Search & One Copy £37
Marriage Service Options
Flowers by arrangement - ask the clergy for details
Verger/Venue Manager £15 per hour
It may be necessary to have a member of staff present for periods of time before or after a service if you plan a special set up. They can also be present
to receive deliveries and be available to open/close the building outside of
the vicar's capacity.
AV Assistant - If you need someone to assit with sound, audio and other technical elements, you could talk with our a member of our AV team. Price will depend on your requirments and on a case-by-case basis.
Production of order of service (Service Sheet) by arrangement with the parish administrator.
Music may include organist with or without choir - discuss with clergy
Organist £150
Organist when directing Choir (Midweek) fee by arrangement
Choir: (Midweek)
Choir Fixer £30
Choir Member (Minimum of 4) £50
Soloist By arrangement
Hire Space for reception or refreshments
(In conjunction with the service being held at St Mary's)
We have space available to hire in the church if you wish to hold your reception or refreshments after your service.
Fee is based on an hourly rate and should include your set up and clear up time in the total cost.
Hire of Kitchen or St Mary's Centre
Fee: £30 per hour
Note: A £20 open/close fee may be payable if a key-holder needs to be arranged to come and open/close, and where no Venue manager has been arranged.