Parish Notices

Scriptural Reasoning: On Thursday 27th February at 7.00pm we will be meeting our interfaith friends again to share food and conversation. When we meet we read a passage from the Quran, the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament on a common theme. This time our theme is Fasting. Please do come along and give it a try, it is a wonderful way to meet and share with people of other faiths and the food is delicious.

Electoral roll - The Electoral Roll is our church's list of all those who are eligible to vote about church matters at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and stand for election to the PCC. In 2025 we must create a fully new electoral roll. Everyone who wishes to be on the roll, whether or not they have been so previously, must complete an enrolment form. You are eligible to be on the electoral roll if:

  1. You are 16 or older

  2. You have been baptised

  3. You live in the parish OR habitually worship here

Enrolment forms will be available at Sunday services until 9 March and should be returned to Jessica Davidson (Electoral Roll Officer), Fr Phil or the office. The form is also available electronically on request from Celyn in the Parish Office at

Quinquagesima Feast! - On the last Sunday before Lent, the 2nd of March, we will have a bring and share lunch in church. Bring some party food so we can share food and fellowship before the Lenten season

Sunday February 23rd - Reflecting on our Link parish of St Peter's Cazenga. We will hear from Phil about his recent trip to Angola and there will be a collection for our link parish, please give generously.

Gareth the Gargoyle’s Jovial Jaunts

Halloo there! Had a good summer? I certainly did, but it seemed far too short. For a species that spends most of its time in caves, up on the top of mountains, and living in old drafty buildings, we do rather like the sunshine, well I do anyway. So much for the sunshine now. Those hot days sitting atop a tree seem so far away. When did all this rain came from? When did we last have a day of sunshine?

Let me reminisce for a moment and tell you about me hols; it was ever so lovely. I popped down south to visit Old Uncle Eddy. You’ll remember I’m considered a youngon at 802? Take a guess at how old Old Uncle Eddys is then.

Old Uncle Eddy lives in one of the most beautiful places. I think it might be the heart of Camelot; it certainly feels magical enough. Its an old castle up on the top of a hill out to sea. The castle is just enough in ruins; there are tunnels and caves, towers and arches. It’s a marvellous place to explore.  And a marvellous place to sit and watch the seals. In short, the perfect place to spend the summer.

I came back to my new home of St Mary’s all relaxed and carefree. I wasn’t prepared for the fast-paced hustle and bustle that I was greeted with. This vicar of yours was busy planning things and doing things. I made the invaluable suggestion of a rest hour in the early afternoon, preferably followed by tea and bikkies. It was a warmly welcomed idea, but I’ve yet to see it implemented. The closest to it we’ve come is on a Thursday morning during Fr. Phil’s Storytime. The wee nuggets bring so much noise into the building. But the good kind of noise – joyful noise, silly noise. But we all calm down when its time for Fr. Phil to read a story. He’s very good at the voices.  

There’s also this new Jubilate! service on a Sunday. (Jubilate or Jubilate? There’s a lot of debate going on about how to say it; I think about it so much that my brain gets muddled and I end up saying the wrong one.) Now I’m not much of an early rise, and 9am on a Sunday does seem rather early – I don’t know how the 8am crew manage it. But it was nice to then have the rest of the day free to fly about. The music is good fun too – piano, electric guitar, shakers. I’m quite the expert when it comes to shakers. Fr. Phil talked about sunglasses; I know there was a very insightful message behind the sunglasses, just please don’t quiz me too hard on what it was. He doesn’t wear sunglasses apparently, so he nicked Mrs. Vicar’s pair. They’re very stylish, and I was tempted to acquire a pair myself. How do they suit me?

October’s a strange time. The weather feels very apt for it. I’ve been collecting the autumnal leaves; I use them to redecorate. But the rain’s been turning them to mush too quickly. I may have to borrow the thurible to dry them off. I’m sure Roddy wouldn’t mind. I’ve got to get thinking about my Halloween costume too. Traditionally mythical and magical creatures like myself take the evening off. It gets too confusing otherwise. But I think I might give it a go this year. Maybe I’ll dress as a puppy? Or perhaps a priest? Although I don’t want to give anyone nightmares….

Well cheerio and tickety-tonk for now. Good luck surviving the rain. If we get much more, my dear friend Krak might come visit; he need a lot of water though.

Ta-ta my friends. Till next time. – G.