Get Involved
St Mary’s would not be the vibrant church it is without the help of dozens of volunteers who lend a hand in activities ranging from the Sunday School and youthwork, to cleaning the church and welcoming people to church on Sunday mornings. If you want to get more involved, please contact the following either at church or via the Parish Office.
Sunday School
We are always on the look-out for helpers and teachers, resources provided
Admin Assistant
Primrose Tearoom
Every Thursday morning we invite you to join us in the parish room for coffee, tea, scones, cake and conversation. A midday eucharist rounds off the morning for those who wish to stay.
Christine Brace
Church Cleaning
Keeping the church ‘spic and span’ is a tall order, particularly in the run up to the festivals and after big events. We would welcome volunteers.
Please contact one of our churchwardens or Celyn Cooke (Parish Administrator)
Serving at the Eucharist is a brilliant way to get involved in the life of St Mary's, and to learn more about worshipping God 'in the beauty of holiness'. We are always on the look out for more help - full training will be provided! We pride ourselves at St Mary's on having a strong team of servers, young and old.
Kimberly Gilmour (Head Server)
A lot of work in preparing for services goes on behind scenes. Trimming candles, mending vestments and washing altar linen are just part of the sacristans’ lot. It’s a case of many hands make light work, and the sacristy team are always on the look-out for helpers.
Roberta Berke
Welcome Ministry
First impressions count! Welcoming people to church with a smile and helping them feel at home without being intrusive, is quite an art-form. Our team of stewards undertake this important function at St Mary’s. Why not join them?
Amanda Martin (Stewards & Welcomers)
The choir may not be professionals, but they maintain high standards of musicianship, including a commitment to rehearse for an hour before the Parish Eucharist. It’s both challenging and rewarding singing in the choir.
Tony Henwood (Organist and Choir Master)
Bryan Almond (Assistant Organist)
Reading in services & leading Intercessions
Reading and leading prayers during worship are great ways to participate in services. No experience necessary! A member of the clergy is always happy to give you advice and support. To join the rota contact
Simon James
The beautiful flower arrangements in church don’t happen by magic. Some people like to sponsor flowers on a given Sunday perhaps in remembrance of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for the birth of a child. If you are interested in so doing, in helping on a regular or occasional basis (particularly at festivals when we are stretched) please be in touch.
Britt Quinn (Flower Team Leader)
We put on a huge number of events over the year, ranging from a Barn Dance at Harvest, to a Designer Fair at Christmas, to Summer Lectures, and numerous concerts. All of them need a team of volunteers to work together, and clear up the church afterwards. Would you come on our list of helpers?
Contact the Parish Office,
If you have experience of fundraising, marketing, or career and life experience that mean you can contribute to the running of the youthwork charity you can get in touch.
Jason Allen (Director of Youthwork)